Our team at Rescue Village couldn’t help but fall in love with Corby when the 4-month-old puppy came to us after being rescued from an overwhelmed breeder. Like most Golden Retrievers, she is eager to please, play, and receive all the attention she deserves!
When Corby arrived at Rescue Village, medical staff provided her with her first exam, like all the animals welcomed to RV each day. Her exam revealed a heart murmur, so Corby was taken to our medical partners, Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital, for specialized cardiology care. Dr. Stoner and Dr. Pappano found that Corby had been born with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). The PDA is a blood vessel that should have closed after Corby was born. If gone untreated, this abnormality would lead to congestive heart failure.
Shelters across the country are overwhelmed, and our budgets tell the story. An expensive surgery like Corby’s can strain non-profits already limited budget. A complex procedure like Corby’s will cost at least $7,000 — not counting pre- and post-surgical care.
Thanks to the generous support of Rescue Village’s community, Corby went for surgery on April 24th. Corby’s surgery was smooth and successful, and she returned to Rescue Village for her lengthy post-op recovery.
“The doctors at Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital were truly outstanding to work with for this highly specialized care, and Rescue Village’s medical team will medicate, monitor, and care for Corby at Rescue Village over the next four to six weeks,” said Rescue Village’s head vet Dr. Meg Volpe.
Heart specialists, Dr. Stoner and Dr. Pappano, said that Corby did beautifully during the entire procedure, has been an excellent patient, and they have high hopes for a full recovery. Follow-up echocardiograms will monitor her progress.
Corby will spend the next few weeks focusing on her recovery, including rest, quiet-time enrichment, and lots of TLC at Rescue Village to ensure everything heals up. Following this, she will be scheduled for spay surgery.
Rescue Village relies on charitable gifts from its community to ensuring Corby, and every animal at Rescue Village, receives state-of-the-art veterinary care, enrichment to keep them happy and healthy, and all the time they need to find the right family to adopt them. Rescue Village does not receive taxpayer support for the important work it does in Northeast Ohio, and this is why private contributions are so important.
It will be a little while until she is available for adoption, but I encourage you to check out the many other wonderful animals available for adoption today.
“Thank you to everyone who answered the call to help Corby and the thousands of other animals that will come into our care,” said Kenneth Clarke, Rescue Village’s Executive Director.