Rescue Village’s new book, The Cartoons of Rescue Village: Twenty Years of Love and Lifesaving Through the Eyes of Cartoonist Jenny Campbell, introduces readers to a cast of animal and human cartoon characters that tell a light-hearted and humorous story about the serious business of Rescue Village’s work in preventing animal homelessness.
The Cartoons of Rescue Village is a must-have book for anyone interested in animal rescue, the good deed of adopting shelter animals, and a view into what animals might think as they experience homelessness, life in a shelter, and the joy of a new couch to destroy. Sure to bring on a smile and chuckle to anyone that has ever had the pleasure of owning a pet, this book is also a great educational tool for kids and is being featured at Rescue Village’s 2023 Summer Camp. The book will help instruct kids 8-11 about the important work humane societies do for their communities. And thanks to the generous support of Karen and Richard Spector who underwrote the publication, every copy purchased directly supports Rescue Village’s work!
Books can be purchased in the Rescue Village Merch section.